How to Collect In-App Customer Feedback?

Vladyslav Pobyva

We know first-hand the critical role that user feedback plays in the success of an app. Itā€™s not just about fixing bugs but about creating an app experience that users love. Of course, the apps with higher ratings and more app reviews perform better in app store rankings and drive more downloads. But feedback goes beyond the numbers game. The qualitative feedback from users can provide invaluable insights into what they really want and need from your app. So, read on to find out what makes famous apps like Spotify, Amazon, and Dropbox stand out and win users' hearts. Our guide to in-app user feedback will cover everything you need to know to start leveraging user feedback to drive and monitor app performance.

What is Customer Feedback?

Customer feedback is a window into your customers' minds. It provides valuable insights into what they like, what they don't like, and what they want from your product or service. It's a way to hear directly from the people who matter most to your business ā€” your customers. In the world of apps, in-app feedback is the most direct and effective way to get this feedback.Ā 

Why is Customer Feedback Important?

Before we plunge into strategies, letā€™s learn why customer feedback is important. What differentiates a good app from an excellent app? It's the difference between a product that meets your customers' needs and one that falls flat. It's the difference between a loyal customer base and one that jumps ship at the first sign of trouble. It's the difference between a successful app and one that will be forgotten shortly after the launch. By listening to your customers, you can identify areas for improvement, stay ahead of the competition, and build a brand that people love.Ā 

Main Channels for Collecting In-App Feedback

Application Surveys

These are pop-up customer feedback surveys that appear within the app and can be triggered by a user action, such as completing a transaction or leaving the app. Surveys can be customized with different question types, such as multiple-choice or open-ended, to gather feedback on a wide range of topics.

In-App Chat Support

This feature allows users to communicate with your customer support team in real time. By addressing usersā€™ questions and concerns, you can gain valuable insights into their in-app experience and identify areas for improvement.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

A simple yet effective way to measure customer satisfaction, the NPS survey is designed to determine the likelihood of recommending your app to others by active users. This score can help you gauge overall satisfaction levels and identify areas for improvement.

User Analytics and Heatmaps

Among other types of user feedback channels, heatmaps give the most eloquent stats. By tracking user behavior and interactions within your app, you can gain insights into how users interact with your app and identify any usability issues or pain points.

Customer Feedback Forms

Customer feedback forms are a great way for businesses to gather direct input from their customers. Analyzing this feedback helps businesses make informed decisions and improve their products or services.


Email surveys are a more traditional method of getting customer feedback, but they can still be effective when used correctly. With the help of push notifications, businesses can get inside their customers' heads. Mobile push notifications offer a quick and easy way for customers to share feedback on the fly, helping businesses stay connected and responsive to their needs.

Third-party WebsitesĀ 

Sites like Trustpilot and G2 are popular platforms for users to leave reviews and feedback on apps. By monitoring these channels, you can gain a better understanding of how users perceive your app.

Trustpilot Review Page Example

How to Collect Customer Feedback the Right Way: Best PracticesĀ 

Clearly Define Your Objectives

Don't start collecting feedback from users without a clear idea of what you're trying to achieve. Are you looking to improve customer experience, reduce churn, or increase conversions? Define the objectives that matter most and avoid problems with customer feedback analysis.

Choose the Right Timing and Frequency

Choosing the right time is the first and the best way to get customer feedback. You want to catch your users at the right moment ā€” when they've had enough time to explore your app, but before they've forgotten any issues they encountered. Similarly, the frequency of your feedback requests should strike a balance between being present enough to gather meaningful insights and not so frequent that it becomes annoying.

Use the Right Tools and Channels

Different feedback channels and tools work best for analyzing customer behavior. Consider factors such as the type of feedback you're looking for, your user demographics, and the resources you have available. Whether it's in-app messages, social media monitoring, or user analytics tools, choose the ones that fit your needs best.

Ask Open-Ended Questions and Actively ListenĀ 

The quality of your feedback is directly related to the quality of your questions. Avoid leading questions and multiple-choice answers that limit users' responses. Instead, ask open-ended questions that allow users to express their thoughts and feelings freely. Also, actively listen to what they say and don't interrupt them, as this can negatively impact their experience.

Analyze and Act on the Received Feedback

Collecting feedback is only the first step. To make the most of it, you need to analyze it and act accordingly. Look for patterns and themes in the feedback, and prioritize the most critical issues. Then, develop a plan of action that addresses these issues and communicate it to your team and users.

Provide Feedback and Follow Up with Customers

Feedback is a two-way street. Just acting on users' input is not enough, they should see what you are doing about their feedback. Provide regular updates on the actions you're taking and how they're impacting the app. Additionally, follow up with users who provide feedback to show that you value their input and are committed to improving their experience.

Trello's Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey

Trello is a web-based project management tool, and they rely on their Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction. This survey asks users how likely they are to recommend Trello to others, and the resulting score helps the company identify areas for improvement and prioritize feature development.

Spotify's Personalized In-App Surveys

Spotify is known for its highly personalized music recommendations, and they take the same approach with their in-app surveys. By asking targeted questions based on user behavior, preferences, and listening habits, Spotify can collect feedback from customers and improve its recommendation algorithms.

Amazon's Continuous Improvement and Customer-Centricity

Amazon is famous for its customer-centric approach, and its continuous improvement efforts are a reflection of that philosophy. By regularly collecting user feedback across multiple channels, Amazon can make data-driven decisions to enhance the user's app experience and stay ahead of the competition.

Glossier's Feedback-Driven Product Development

Glossier, a popular beauty brand, is a shining example of how to leverage customer feedback for product development. By prioritizing user feedback, they can create products that meet the needs and desires of their target audience and build a loyal customer base.

Airbnb's In-App and Social Media Listening Strategy

Airbnb's customer feedback strategy is a testament to the company's commitment to customer satisfaction. By using in-app surveys and monitoring social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, they can quickly respond to user feedback, identify common pain points, and address concerns in real time.

HubSpot's Multi-Channel Feedback Collection

HubSpot, a leading marketing, sales, and service platform, knows that feedback comes from multiple channels. Their multi-channel feedback collection approach allows them to gather insights from website forms, in-app surveys, customer service interactions, and more, helping them stay in tune with user needs and preferences.

How to Analyze In-App Feedback?

Now that you know how to get feedback from customers, itā€™s critical to be able to ā€œread itā€.

Categorize FeedbackĀ 

Categorizing in-app feedback is like sorting your laundry. It helps to group feedback into similar categories, identify patterns, and prioritize areas for improvement. Use labels or tags to create categories that make sense for your app and team.

Analyze Sentiment

Like a detective, analyzing sentiment involves looking for clues in the in-app feedback to understand how users feel about your app. Positive feedback can highlight areas of success, while negative feedback can provide insights into areas for improvement. Sentiment analysis tools can help speed up the process.

Identify Trends

Trends are like the tide ā€” they can indicate the direction your app should be heading. Identifying trends involves looking for patterns or themes that emerge across different feedback channels. Are users consistently reporting the same issue? Are they praising a particular feature?

Share Insights

Sharing insights is like sharing a good meal ā€” it's better when shared with others. By sharing feedback insights with your team, you can foster collaboration, build empathy for users, and align your team around common goals. Utilize AI insights to uncover deeper patterns and trends in your data. Use visual aids like graphs or charts to make the insights more engaging.

How to Improve Your App Experience?

Be ProactiveĀ 

Don't wait for users' feedback to come to you ā€” actively seek it out. Whether it's through customer surveys or social media listening, taking the initiative to gather feedback can lead to valuable insights and improved post-purchase satisfaction.

Be a Good Listener

It's not enough to simply collect user feedback, you need to actively listen to what your users say. This means paying attention to not only what is being said but also how it's being said and taking note of any recurring themes or issues.

Be ResponsiveĀ 

Once you've collected feedback, it's important to show your users that you're taking their concerns seriously. This means responding promptly and transparently, whether it's through a personal email or public forum.

Send Follow-Ups

Following up with users after implementing changes is another way how to get customer feedback. It shows that you value their input and are committed to improving their experience. This can also lead to additional insights and a stronger user community.

Put Your Words Into Actions

Ultimately, the most important part of improving your app experience is taking action on the feedback you receive. Whether it's fixing bugs or adding new features, implementing changes based on user feedback can lead to increased customer lifetime value (LTV) and a more successful app.

Partner with Reteno

Reteno is a customer engagement platform that can help you unlock the full potential of your app. Our expertise in driving user engagement is unparalleled, and it allowed us to develop a suite of tools and services that can help you achieve your goals and get customers hooked on your app. With our platform, youā€™ll collect customer feedback wisely and make the most of it.


Collecting in-app customer feedback is not just a matter of improving your app's performance but also about building a strong relationship with your users. You might need to try hard to draw customer attention to your app and engage users, especially with many potential distractions out there. But once you've gotten their attention, eagerly listening to your users' needs and acting upon their feedback will help you create a community of loyal users who feel heard and valued.Ā 

Alexandr Anikienko


October 24, 2022

Vladyslav Pobyva


November 15, 2022

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