Tailor Your App and Website to Each User

Turn broadcast interactions into personalized experiences, delivered at the right time through the right channel. Make your customers feel valued throughout their website or in-app journeys. Inspire greater brand loyalty and generate up to 40% more revenue.

Unique interface
for each user

Communicate with users 1:1 within your app or site with Reteno and watch engagement skyrocket 🚀

Streamline UX

Create a Seamless User Experience with Reteno’s Mobile App Personalization Tools

Make the best deals with proven app personalization techniques. Easily convert new users into loyal repeat customers by combining contact data with omnichannel support.

Single User Profile

Identify your customers with 360° user profiles. Reteno collects, integrates, and matches first-party data across all available channels to give you the complete contact activity history for the most accurate personalized offers.

Behavior Tracking

Create automated journeys triggered by real-time events. Track user behavior within your mobile app and campaigns to create dynamic segments based on orders history, average check, and other criteria. Send context-relevant messages that speak directly to your customers.

Omnichannel Personalization

Acquire new customers and boost repeat purchases with no fuss. Our system aggregates all available data about each contact to generate buyer-specific recommendations and send them through the most efficient channels.

App Inbox Messages

Engage users at every stage of the sales funnel. Deliver contextual, long-lasting messages directly within user accounts on your website or mobile app.

In-App Notifications

Navigate active customers through your app without interrupting their journeys. Encourage users to take immediate action. On average, 63% of smartphone users are more likely to buy from companies offering insightful CTA's.

Multi-language Approach

Automatically send relevant content in the right language to different customers in a single international campaign. Information about a product or service in their native language is even more important than price for 56% of consumers.

Site Widgets

Increase sales conversions and drive leads by adding interactivity through personalized widgets. Use our pre-designed templates and drag’n’drop editor to create catchy content that keeps your target visitors engaged.

Product Recommendations

Create an emotional connection and make shoppers feel like your brand “gets it.” Predict their next purchases on the website or mobile app with 180 AI algorithms that offer the exact products your customers want to buy.

Trusted by 300+ leading brands from 23 countries

Increase User Retention with Our Personalized Product Recommendations

Get more repeat customers with Reteno’s suite of intelligent website and mobile app personalization solutions. Increase sales by recommending the right products.

of customers return more often
of revenue comes from recommendations
in-session conversion rate
on revenue potential
Price reduction for similar products
Abandoned cart, view and recommendations
Products often bought together
Items from user’s wishlists
Items back in stock
Bestsellers on the site

Benefits of Personalized Customer Experience

Mobile Marketing Automation

Automate routine processes, interact effectively with the app users, and close more deals. With Reteno, you can track customer behavior in real time and launch event-triggered campaigns.

Engagement through Personalization

We help you deliver offers tailored to user expectations. Speak directly to each customer: grab their attention, encourage more activities and improve conversions.

Sales Explosion

Create value for website visitors and app users. Offer what the customer is sure to want and ready to buy, at the right time, through their preferred channel.

Churn Prevention

With Reteno's AI-powered analytics, you get timely information about customers at risk of churn and take action to retain them just before they leave. Identify, communicate, and retain them all!

Ready to Gain Real
Competitive Advantage?

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