How to Build a Perfect App Landing Page: Tips & Examples

Natalya Ustymenko

Let's assume your mobile app is featured on app stores, you have a website and social media accounts. Is that enough for the app promotion? In this article, you’ll discover the benefits of creating an app landing page and how to increase conversions with it.

How to Grab Customers' Attention to Your Product

To win the competition in the marketplace, marketers need to make potential and existing users a priority. With that state of mind, attracting the audience will be much easier. Here are three main rules for that.

Target pain points

Getting into your customer’s heads and addressing the issues on their minds is crucial. In sales, those issues are called pain points — specific problems the customers have had for some time and are now looking for a solution. If your app covers users’ needs, you must bring this fact up in almost every ad copy, the first sentence on the landing page, the email subject line, etc. 

In case you’re unsure about those pain points, there are ways to find out what they are:

  • Conducting online surveys.
  • Involving social listening (a more official term for “listening to users’ gossip about other brands”).
  • Setting up live communication.

Don’t neglect a chance to talk to your audience; you’ll get meaningful insights.    

Show the uniqueness of your company and your app

No bragging — prove with facts why your app differs from the others on the market and what’s unique about it. Define your unique selling proposition before you start working on a promo strategy. 

For that, you need to answer a few questions:

  • Which advantages matter most to the client?
  • What advantages are difficult to obtain from the opposition?
  • What advantages are accessible to the intended audience?

Make the benefit sound engaging and intriguing, and let it be concise. 

Use various marketing channels 

Depending on your app’s sales funnel, you might need more than a few posts on Instagram to sell it. Here, a well-structured and designed best mobile landing page comes in handy. 

According to ThriveMyWay research, interactive landing pages can increase your message efficiency by 79%. Discover more details in our blog post on the best ways to grab customer attention.

What is an App Landing Page, and Why Should You Build It?

A landing page and the homepage of a website are frequently confused. A landing page serves a clear function in Internet marketing. It is a stand-alone web page with a Call to Action as its only specific goal (CTA).

You may launch PPC and email marketing campaigns to drive traffic to your landing page, where visitors can learn more about the key features of your mobile app and, best of all, sign up for updates to be the first to know when the app is made accessible to the general public.

Elements of a High-Converting App Landing Page

Disclaimer: No bright-as-sun element can engage more than relevant and valuable content. Keep in mind the user’s needs when planning the landing page.


This is the very first element the potential user sees on mobile landing pages. Reveal a powerful benefit that your app has. 

If there’s no established primary benefit, address your unique selling proposition and consider the main need (pain point) the user requires help with. Examples:

landing page for mobile app Soundcloud
Soundaloud pp landing page

SoundCloud has separate landings for both main target audiences: listeners and artists. Both headlines cover the main pain points for its audience: an impressive app to find the best songs and an affordable app to start a presence in the music sphere.

Best mobile app landing pages start with informative yet short headlines alongside a CTA button.

Body copy

An appealing headline intrigues and triggers visitors. But it usually takes more to close the deal. It is essential to list details of all your app's benefits. Example:

App landing page design example

30 day fitness — home workout app shows in a concise form its benefits which are essential for its audience of people who want to stay fit at home. How did they come up with this body copy? Again, due to users’ pain points. 

“I can’t be organized” — We’ll give you a personalized plan. Here’s how it looks.

“I don’t have enough motivation” — We’ll give you short-term challenges to reward yourself after the achieved results. Look what a friendly and clear interface you’ll get.

“I don’t think I do enough. I think I’m lazy” — We’ll show you in a progress track what a wonderful person you are. Look at what metrics you can have with our app.

When creating your body copy, try not to praise the remarkable features of the app but comprehend what benefits they give to your users and deliver those points in short texts. And pictures! Text should always be accompanied by pictures that prove the wonderfulness of your app. Instead of writing, “Our app has a user-friendly interface,” better showcase it.

Social proof

People tend to believe other people, not faceless unknown companies. Show you already have loyal users, so the potential ones can trust you more.

This can be delivered in any form: screenshots of tweets about your app reviews in text or video forms, links to articles on trusted platforms, the number of users who installed your app, etc. 

Mobile app landing pages

Notability app decided to part users’ reviews based on their audience segment. For example, you’re a student. When you scroll through their landing page, you see that Joshua, a student like you, slash a founder of a business, loves Notability. Plus, you see a screenshot of a student’s note that can be created in the Notability app, a quite functional addition. 

We’ll get back to this landing page in two chapters because it’s really good, so don’t leave.


A call-to-action consists of a selling punch line and a button conveying the crucial step a user should make: install the app.

To make a compelling CTA, it’s essential to:

  • be in reference to your unique selling point
  • start with the imperative verb to persuade potential users to take action
  • create curiosity and pique your audience's interest with concise copy
  • use bold design to highlight the CTA button and make it noticeable.

 The whole work can be pointless if you don’t take it seriously. Example:

Best app landing page example

GoodNotes app made it easy for potential users to decide whether to download this app or not: the company granted free access for them to test the app and see if it's worth the further payment. Simple and effective.

5 Easy Steps to Build an Effective App Landing Page 

Define your target audience

This is Marketing 101, so we won’t spend much time on it. If you’ve already created the app, you definitely have a very detailed portrait of your audience. Work with every detail.  

Keep in mind that with a website, you should cover all segments of the audience in its content. With a landing page, you can create multiple versions of it based on every segment and its pain points and promote every version via relevant ads. 

Establish the conversion goal

With app landing pages, you can achieve multiple goals. It can just be a simple download page with links to the iOS and Android app stores. Or you might prefer that customers sign up for your service first. Or perhaps they need to buy a tangible item for the app to function. 

This is where you need to answer the question, “What is the main conversion goal that moves us closer to the whole point of creating the app (profits/raising awareness)?” and stick to this answer through the entire promotion process. 

Adjust to mobile format

Since we are talking about app promotion, it’d be unwise not to adapt the landing page for apps for mobile devices. 

Especially considering that approximately 50% of all web traffic worldwide comes from mobile devices, according to Statista. Since the beginning of 2017, mobile devices have constantly hovered around the 50% level, eventually surpassing it permanently in 2020. In the second quarter of 2022, mobile devices generated 58.99% of global website traffic.

Showcase the app in work

We’ve mentioned above that images are preferable to text when it’s appropriate. Add as many graphic elements as possible, but ensure they won’t affect the page loading speed. Otherwise, you’ll get a high bounce rate and no installs.

The same rule applies when you add short videos. Showing the main app’s features is a great choice, but not when it irritates potential users.   

Test and optimize

They say Content is King, but A/B testing is the one that crowns it. Even with a perfectly detailed promo strategy, external circumstances can bring unexpected changes. Plus, to be honest, before you have a load of data on user behavior, any promo strategy is a bit pointless. 

You see that the bounce rate is 80%, and people stop scrolling after the headline part, then start testing different headlines. You see that people don’t click any CTA buttons — test the app landing page designs, making CTAs more noticeable, maybe even with another message. Even a slight change (but based on data insights) can make a difference.    

Great Examples of App Landing Pages

We’ve prepared a couple of mobile landing page examples for you to consolidate the material and get a bit inspired for future work.


Best mobile landing page from Notability

Here, the headline has a strong selling point “Unleash your ideas your way”, showing that usual notes can be basically taken in Google Docs. But with this app, you can go nuts and bring the note taking experience to a new level. The screenshot from the app shows the interface and a possible outcome.

Everything keeps in line with one content message and covers the user’s pain point “I can’t study because standard notes are boring.” Keep scrolling this landing page for the mobile app, and you’ll find the main benefits, social proof, graphic elements in style with the app, and a punch line with a button at the end. 

Forest App

Forest App landing page template

Same here — you see the example of consistent message delivery. Two pain points: I don’t succeed in life because I can’t stay focused, and Usual timers don’t help me. The Forest app is here to help such users concentrate and track their progress so they can be more motivated for all their busy days. Plus, the landing page shows that they also do a good deed — participate in charity while benefiting from the app. Social proof is shown through all platforms where the app is featured. Simple, concise, and effective.

4 Helpful App Landing Page Builders for Mobile Marketers

If you are ready and have enough time to create your own app landing page, here are solutions that will come in handy.


Unbounce is a landing page builder. It enables you to create landing pages for email collection, sales growth, and other purposes. It has ready-to-use landing page templates, pop-ups, sticky bars, and lots of integrations with different marketing platforms to unify the app’s digital promo.

But based on G2 reviews, it has a bit of a poor page editor, so it’d be challenging to build a page from scratch.  


One of the most widely used tools for building online sales funnels is Clickfunnels, which allows you to quickly and effectively design an eye-catching landing page for a mobile app to achieve conversion goals. It has templates, a builder, a vast integration network, site analytics, and more.

Reviews show that working with this tool at the beginning can be confusing, so be ready to learn all the ins and outs.


Wix is one of the most popular web development platforms. It has many features for website and landing page creation for any business: any-style app landing page template, a builder, hundreds of integrations, convenient web analytics, and options for live chats with your users. And most of it is free, which makes it perfect for startups and small businesses. 

However, once you go big and get thousands of page visitors, be ready to pay up. 


Leadpages has a name that tells it all. It is great for creating simple landing pages to start the promo of your app as soon as possible. Due to its simple set of features, it is the least expensive among most of its competitors.

But it’s not the best option when you want to build a steady landing page for an extended period of time.


Almost every online business uses a landing page for apps.

However, using them is one thing, and using them effectively is another.

To make the most of your app advertisement and build the best app landing page, get acquainted with Reteno services. All the necessary tools for gathering data and communicating with clients are in one place.

Vladyslav Pobyva


November 15, 2022

Alex Danchenko


November 9, 2022

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