Mobile Checkout: Trends & Best Practices for 2023

Natalya Ustymenko

mCommerce is taking over the market: 59% of worldwide online visits are from mobile, with 43% from desktop. And the tendency keeps growing. Knowing this, brands with the best mobile checkout experiences will have a massive advantage over competitors who prefer to stick to one solution.

 In this article, we’ll show you best practices for every step of the mobile checkout process and a couple of examples from successful brands.

What Is a Mobile Checkout?

Mobile Checkout is the process of completing an order checkout on a mobile device. This happens when a user places their orders online and makes payments on their phone; it begins when the customer visits the website, reviews the product catalog, and then purchases the product. 

At this stage, users are often close to purchasing, but have to overcome internal and external obstacles. Below, you’ll discover how to make the mobile checkout stage smooth and effective by removing those obstacles. 

Why Is It Critical to Optimize Your Mobile Checkout?

As we’ve mentioned above, mobile traffic is higher than desktop traffic. Then why do so many companies prefer to stick to desktop eCommerce, and why should you choose the other way?  

In Q1 2022, 85% of all online mobile shoppers abandoned their carts on the checkout stage, compared to 69.82% on desktop. According to Zippia, $18 billion is lost to cart abandonment each year.

Well, now it’s obvious why businesses prefer desktop to mobile. But what’s hidden behind those numbers is a huge potential. 

People want to shop on their phones when they are procrastinating at home or bored at some event. It is established, proved by statistics and our experience because it is a convenient way of shopping. At least it should be. However, Dynamic Yield research shows that companies themselves make it hard for customers to spend their money. 

What are some common impediments to shopping on your mobile device?
Source: Dynamic Yield

By solving these issues, you can complete mobile checkout optimization to improve user experience and gain a lot from those $18 billion lost by other businesses. 

Main reasons why consumers abandon their orders during the heckout process in the USA in 2022

Disclaimer: every piece of advice listed below should be revised according to the goals and features of your company. A/B testing, in this case, is a golden must.

Mobile Checkout Best Practices: Account Page

This is the start of customers’ journey towards not just browsing, but purchasing. Make it unforgettable and pleasant. Here’s what you can do.

Provide a guest mobile checkout option

The second reason for cart abandonment is the necessity to create an account. The best guest checkout examples provide customers with an option for a one-click checkout for mobile shoppers with a quick payment process.

How can retailers make your mobile shopping experience more enjoyable?
Source: Dynamic Yield

Now let’s look at other improvement points for those who are not irritated with the account creation. 

Offer login via social media

It is easier for customers to authenticate using a Twitter or Facebook account than it is to force them into creating a new account for just one purchase. 

Plus, with their social media info, you can personalize their shopping experience based on their past purchases and offer relevant further upsale or retargeting. 60% of clients would be glad to have a more individual approach from companies towards them.

How likely are you to become a repeat buyer after a personalized shopping experience?

Use the account page to the fullest

Stop making users create an account for nothing. Instead, with the account page, you can:

  • Have your users save items for later purchases. If they forget to make that purchase, you can send them a reminder email or notification.
  • Provide a feature to create a wish list. And later show good deals like discounts for those items to stimulate users to buy them.
  • Start a reward system, showing their earned points and how they can spend them.
  • Improve user experience with an order tracking and billing info page and allow them to communicate directly with you regarding order issues, etc.

Mobile Checkout Best Practices: Cart Page

A wrong shopping cart solution or a poorly designed checkout flow will cost you potential customers.

Make it easy to edit the cart

If you disabled a “Delete the item” option, so the customers wouldn’t buy less, you are very much mistaken. Let users change their plans, add more, switch to cheaper items, and even delete some. In the end, they will come back to you since you are not an aggressive seller.

You can also offer more advanced options, like, showing their recent searches instead of making a user nervously scroll dozens of pages looking for lost items.

Enable notification on adding an item to the cart 

No need to overthink this one. A simple cart icon with an updated item number in it will be enough for mobile checkouts. 

Also, display the content of the shopping cart as an overlay when users click on the cart icon without redirecting them to another page.

Use an upsale 

A standard “you might also like” unit can be a good decision.

But there’s a nuance. The research showed that businesses think they are offering more advanced experiences than consumers actually get. So check twice if your upsale is really personalized and relevant.

Personalisation in eCommerce

Make a checkout button noticeable

Yes, even basic things can be left out unintentionally. The button should have a “floating” feature, be highlighted, or at least be placed at the top of the cart page.

Display secure checkout icons

Add security badges, website safety protocols, and SSL certificates. Show your customers that a mobile checkout with you is the safest thing out there.  

The statistic shows that some users don’t need secure icons if they already trust a company. But still, a big group of them need to be convinced.

Do you trust retail brands to keep your personal data secure and use it responsibly?

Mobile Checkout Best Practices: Shipping

You can’t reduce form fields here, as you won’t have enough details for shipping. Automate everything you can.

Add a progress bar

Statistics show that most customers abandon their carts right before the payment. Most of them do so because they don’t know how long it will take them to do the checkout. A simple progress bar can stimulate them to finish the purchase since they can see how many steps are left. 

Provide clear info on costs

It is easy to lose trust with shoppers by imposing surprise fees during mobile checkouts; meaning, if the product costs $50, an additional $10 for shipping and $2 for taxes at the end of the checkout will definitely cost you a customer. All details must be available immediately in an order summary. 

Enable address detection and field validation

Not all customers will allow you to detect their addresses because of their security concerns. But this will be a huge relief for those who prefer to skip typing letters. Make an auto-permission to perceive the customer’s location. Also, auto-fill the contact fields of those who have already bought from you and agreed to websites “to remember” that info.

Adjust auto number keypads for the number field

Provide an auto switch between keyboard styles to suit different forms. For example, the email address keyboard can use an alternate layout, which emphasizes the "@" key and the "." key. The number pad keyboard makes it easier for customers to enter phone numbers.

Provide options for delivery date and time

Among the top 3 reasons why users leave their cart is slow delivery. But what exactly does it mean? Obviously, if your storage is located thousands of miles from the customers, they can’t expect the package to arrive the same day. Instead, they expect to see the estimated delivery date, possible options for more convenient dates to receive the package, and if there’s an option to pay extra to get the purchase faster. 

Mobile Checkout Best Practices: Payment

Last year's experience shows that 69.8% of shoppers drop off somewhere between filling their cart and making the payment. Same as with typing in shipping info, it can be quite irritating. Below, we have some ideas on how to make the payment page better.

Give a possibility to split payments

This is a bit of an advanced option. Some customers may buy things with their close ones and need to split the check. Or some customers need to pay using two credit cards to get the needed total sum. Think about that to not lose clients. 

Offer various in-app payments

Typing in credit card numbers is in the past. In August 2022, the largest share of mobile eBay shoppers in the United States consisted of people aged 18 to 24 (39.6 percent). Adults between the ages of 25 and 34 made up around 34 percent of the eBay shopper mobile audience in the country. As you can guess, the most commonly used payment methods are PayPal, Amazon Pay, and Apple Pay. And so are biometrics, digital currencies, and QR codes. Don’t neglect such a variety.

Mobile Checkout Best Practices: Post-Purchase

This is a nice chance to build a loyal audience and increase repeat sales. Become a thoughtful friend to customers, and don’t leave them after they purchase from you.

Show an order confirmation

The easiest way is to create a “Thank you” page where you can post necessary details like where to track an order and how to contact a support team. You can also send a confirmation email to remind customers about these details.

Provide a discount to re-engage

This is an excellent way to say thank you and encourage your customers to come back for more purchases. Think thoroughly about what kind of discount will bring a win-win situation.  

Add a “Share a link to item” option 

A customer found a perfect item. They want to share it with a friend who might also be interested in purchasing it. This should be done easily with a simple Share a link button. Now you’ve doubled your profit.  

Mobile Checkout Examples

We’ve collected a couple of checkout best practices for your inspiration.

Fast checkout option — Sephora

When you go to the cart, Sephora immediately asks permission to detect the location for auto-fill of the shipping address.

Fast checkout option — Sephora

When you click on mobile Checkout Shipped Items (a noticeable floating red button), Sephora gives an option for a quick checkout as a guest. But also, it gives you a chance to get points or free shipping for creating an account. You can choose what suits you more. Even if it takes some time to create an account, at least you know you’ll get benefits for that.

Fast checkout option — Sephora

Order edits on the checkout page — Victoria’s Secret 

Lots of nice features here. Let’s start with the order edit. If you’ve changed your mind, you can delete the chosen item or switch it to another type of the same product by clicking on the Edit button.   

Order edits on the checkout page — Victoria’s Secret 

There’s a section titled “You’ll also love” and various in-app payment methods with a floating checkout button. Every important detail is on one screen, which makes it easy to believe that the whole checkout process is pretty fast and convenient. Also, in case you don’t want to overpay with delivery fees, or you just want to check the product in the store before purchasing it, there’s an option for that too. Click on Select store, and you will have a list of the nearest ones.  

Final Thought

You don’t have to use every piece of advice in this article when improving mobile checkout in your store — pick what is relevant for your company. Make sure you’ve solved common issues to make the best mobile checkout experience. Don’t forget to examine the mobile version regularly. Be ahead of your competitors.

Vladyslav Pobyva


October 7, 2022

Alex Danchenko


October 4, 2022

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