Lifecycle Marketing Done Right – A Guide for Mobile Apps

George Johnson

Lifecycle marketing is all about the long game. Unlike the quick win mentality, it focuses on nurturing relationships with customers over time. The goal? Turning one-time buyers into loyal advocates. It's like tending a garden – you plant the seed, nurture it, and watch it grow into something beautiful.

What Is Lifecycle Marketing?

Lifecycle marketing for mobile apps is a strategic approach of understanding users' needs and guiding them through each stage of their journey with the app. It aims to foster a habit of consistent app usage.

A real-life example? You download a fitness app and feel like you've found a supportive friend. It welcomes you warmly, helps you set goals, and cheers you on with motivational messages. As you progress, it gently suggests upgrading to premium features, with special offers just for you. Then, it encourages you to invite friends and be part of a thriving community. It's not just an app; it's your personal wellness buddy, guiding you to success with a smile. Also, this is lifecycle marketing done right.

In an alternate scenario, imagine you've been using a fitness app diligently for a while, but gradually, your engagement starts to decline. You become less active, missing workouts and neglecting the app's features. Despite the app's initial efforts to re-engage you with reminders and personalized offers, you eventually become a dormant user.

As a dormant user, the fitness app recognizes your decreased activity and takes proactive steps to reignite your interest. It sends you gentle reminders, offers personalized discounts on premium features to incentivize re-engagement, and provides tailored workout plans based on your previous activity. Additionally, it encourages you to join challenges or events within the app community to spark motivation and rekindle your enthusiasm for fitness. Again, this is lifecycle marketing done right.

Benefits of Lifecycle Marketing

While the perks of customer lifecycle marketing might seem straightforward, there's a whole world of benefits waiting to be discovered. Let's take a closer look at the key benefits:

Making Smart Moves with Data

Understanding how users navigate through your mobile app unlocks powerful insights. For example, knowing that a user frequently browses workout plans but hasn't started one yet can prompt targeted offers or content to encourage them to begin.

Automatically collect user actions & launch event-based campaigns with Reteno

Personal Touches for Each Step

Who wants generic messages? Nobody! Lifecycle marketing enables you to speak directly to where your users are at. For instance, sending a congratulatory push notification when a user achieves a fitness milestone or offering a discount on a premium feature they've been eyeing right in their mobile app can foster a stronger connection.

Putting Users First, Always

When you focus on making users happy, everything else falls into place. By showing you care at every turn, you're building relationships that last – and that's where the real magic happens. For instance, responding promptly to user queries or issues can turn a potentially negative experience into a positive one, enhancing loyalty.

Staying One Step Ahead

With deep knowledge from your users' journey, you're not just keeping up with the competition; you're leading the pack. Knowing what your users want before they do sets you up for success. For example, anticipating seasonal trends or user preferences based on past behavior can inform product development or marketing campaigns that resonate deeply.

Trends & personalization by Yogago

Main Stages of Lifecycle Marketing

The main goal of user lifecycle marketing is to create a habit of using your product. 

The basics of user segmentation for the user lifecycle revolve around identifying active users—those who interact with your product within a specific timeframe. This depends on the use case (why customers use your app) and the natural frequency of interaction (how frequently they encounter the problem your app solves and engage with it). The type of subscription (paid, freemium, etc.) also plays a role in this segmentation.

To illustrate the main stages of the user lifecycle, let's consider a fitness app where users are encouraged to complete a workout class at least once a week. Here's how you can segment users based on their engagement with the app:

New User

These users have completed their first workout or set up a fitness plan within the last seven days. They've taken that initial step and are starting to see the value in your product.

Active User

Active users have completed a workout or logged an activity within the last seven days and did so in the previous seven days as well. They regularly engage with your app and are on their way to forming fitness habits.

Dormant User

These users didn't complete a workout or log an activity last week but did so the week before that. They've started to fall off a bit and might need some encouragement to get back on track.

Churned User

Churned users haven't completed a workout or logged an activity for the last 14 days. They've disengaged and are at risk of being lost entirely.

Reactivated User

These are previously dormant or churned users who have completed a workout or logged an activity again in the last seven days. They’ve returned to your app and are re-engaging with your fitness program.

User lifecycle scheme

How to Create Lifecycle Marketing Strategy

Creating a lifecycle marketing strategy is all about understanding your users and engaging with them at every stage of their journey. Here's a brief guide to help you get started:

1. Identify Key Lifecycle Stages

First, map out the stages your users go through from their initial interaction with your product to becoming loyal advocates. Typical stages include New User, Active User, Dormant User, Churned User, and Reactivated User.

2. Understand User Behavior

Take some time to figure out how users interact with your product at each stage. What actions do they take? What challenges do they face? This will help you tailor your messages and offers to perfectly fit their needs.

3. Segment Your Users

Group users based on where they are in the lifecycle. This way, you can send them personalized content and offers that are spot-on for their current state.

4. Develop Tailored Content and Offers

Create specific campaigns for each lifecycle stage. Think helpful onboarding guides for New Users, regular reminders for actives, and special offers for Dormant Users.

5. Implement Automation

Use marketing automation tools to send timely and relevant messages based on user actions. Automating processes like welcome series, follow-ups, and re-engagement campaigns ensures you're always in touch.

6. Track and Analyze

Monitor your campaigns' performance and user engagement at each stage. Use this data to determine what’s working well and what might need a tweak.

7. Optimize Continuously

Based on your analysis, keep refining your strategies to meet user needs better. A/B testing different approaches can help you figure out what resonates best with your audience.

Here's how it works with the fitness app example we have already looked at:

Lifecycle strategy example

All these strategies have one primary goal—to keep our users active and to ingrain a habit of using the app. Why? Because that's what makes the app popular with new audiences. It's like creating a buzz around your favorite hangout spot; when people see others enjoying themselves, they're naturally drawn to join in.

Examples of Lifecycle Marketing Campaigns

Here are some additional examples of marketing campaigns to give you a fuller picture of how it all works:

Welcome Series for New Users

A sequence of personalized emails or in-app messages designed to greet new users warmly, showcase key features, and guide them through the app's onboarding process. This friendly introduction helps newcomers feel at home and sets the stage for ongoing engagement.

Reactivation Campaigns for Dormant Users

Targeted campaigns aimed at reigniting the interest of users who haven't interacted with the app recently. These campaigns may include special offers, reminders of the app's value, or personalized recommendations to entice dormant users back into the fold.

Retention Offers for Active Users

Friendly notifications that help make using your mobile app a habit. These might include personalized reminders to explore new features, motivational messages to celebrate milestones, or fun tips and tricks to enhance the experience. Regular, engaging notifications create a sense of routine that keeps users excited to return to your app.

Referral Programs for Advocates

Referral programs encourage satisfied users to spread the word about the app through referral programs. By offering incentives such as discounts, credits, or freebies for both the referrer and the new user, these programs leverage the power of word-of-mouth marketing to attract fresh faces and expand the app's reach.

Personalized Recommendations Based on User Behavior

Use data analytics and machine learning algorithms to offer tailored recommendations to users based on their past interactions and preferences. 

From suggesting relevant content to recommending products or services aligned with each user's interests, these personalized recommendations enhance engagement and satisfaction.

How to Master Lifecycle Marketing with Reteno

User lifecycle marketing might seem complex, but tools like Reteno simplify the process. Before we delve into Reteno, let's understand an essential metric — Active User Retention Rate (AURR). It shows how many users continue using your app over time, which is crucial for success. One of the best ways to increase AURR is to encourage users to exclusively solve problems through the app and ensure their continued use of a feature.

So, how does Reteno contribute? Think of it as a helpful companion for your app. With features like mobile push notifications and in-app messages, Reteno assists in keeping users engaged and coming back for more. It's all about enhancing the user experience and maintaining their interest. Excited to learn more about how Reteno works? Check it out here.

In a Nutshell

Lifecycle marketing is about guiding users through every stage of their journey with your app, from download to advocacy. It's all about understanding users, using data to personalize their experience, and keeping them engaged for the long haul.

There are key stages in this journey, from new users to those who churned and might need reactivation. Each stage offers opportunities for tailored strategies, like welcoming new users or offering incentives to keep active ones.

Tools like Reteno make this process easier by providing features such as mobile messaging automation, which helps maintain user engagement and increase retention rates. Ultimately, lifecycle marketing ensures users stick around and become fans of your app.

Alex Danchenko


October 13, 2022

Natalya Ustymenko


February 8, 2023

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